The Big 2027 ISDN and PSTN Switch Off: How To Prepare

As we begin to usher in a brand new era, the telecommunications industry is busy preparing for a significant milestone taking place in 2027: the UK-wide switch-off of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), with Openreach officially implementing a nationwide stop-sell of its legacy systems and services. This means that it’s no longer possible to purchase or modify any systems or services that rely on ISDN or PSTN. The 2027 ISDN and PSTN Switch Off signals the end of traditional analogue phones and communication and the beginning of a new and advanced digital age, with Single Order Generic Ethernet Access Broadband (SoGEA Broadband) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) ready to take centre stage.

But what does this mean for businesses relying on traditional PSTN and ISDN services? In this blog post, we will be looking at what the PSTN and ISDN are, the eventual departure of these beloved services, the countdown to the 2027 ISDN and PSTN Switch Off, the arrival of the reliable and improved SoGEA Broadband and VoIP, the benefits of these, and how you and your business can prepare for the future. The time to start preparing for this huge digital transformation is now.

What are PSTN and ISDN?

The Countdown to the ISDN and PSTN Switch Off Has Already Begun — Be Ready!

The PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) are traditional telecommunication technologies that have been widely used for voice and data communication.

The PSTN is the traditional telephone network that has been in use for many decades, ever since its creation in 1875, allowing and enabling the exchange of voice information during telephone calls. The PSTN supports analogue signals and is the foundation for traditional landline telephony.

ISDN is a digital telecommunications technology that previously emerged as an upgrade to traditional analogue telephone systems back in 1985. It provides digital transmission of voice, video, and data over the existing copper infrastructure of the PSTN. ISDN offers faster data transfer rates compared to analogue systems and can support multiple channels on a single line.

Due to these systems now becoming quickly outdated, the switch-off in 2027 marks a strategic move by telecom providers to transition towards more efficient and cost-effective solutions. This change is not just about letting go of the old, but embracing all of the opportunities that the future holds.

If your current telephone bill includes terms such as ISDN30, ISDN30e, ISDN2, analogue line, business line, or PSTN line, you’re among the countless individuals and businesses who are going to be affected by this switch-off. It’s important to start planning your migration to internet-based services as soon as possible to ensure that you’re not left behind.

It’s crucial that the time to act is right now — get in touch with the Wessex IT team today at 01403 29 29 30 and to get yourself set up for the future with reliable and up-to-date digital connections in SoGEA Broadband, as well as setting up UK VoIP phones!

an image showing PSTN

What is SoGEA Broadband? — A Gateway to the Future

As the PSTN and ISDN take their leave, SoGEA Broadband steps into the limelight and emerges as a beacon of the digital future. SoGEA, or Single order Generic Ethernet Access, is cutting-edge broadband technology that allows users to have a dedicated internet connection without the need for a traditional analogue phone line. This not only streamlines the infrastructure but also opens the door to faster and more reliable broadband services.

The transition to SoGEA Broadband brings several benefits for individual consumers and businesses alike. With higher speeds and fewer delays in sending data, users can enjoy smoother online experiences, such as carrying out video conferences. The simplified and streamlined setup also eliminates the need for maintaining a separate phone line, reducing costs and increasing overall efficiency.

What is VoIP? — Revolutionising Connection and Communication

Accompanying the rise of SoGEA Broadband is the widespread inclusion of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). VoIP leverages the power of the internet to transmit voice data, offering a more flexible and cost-effective alternative to traditional analogue phone services. This technology allows users to make calls from anywhere around the world — as long as they have an internet connection — breaking down geographical barriers and encouraging global communication.

Businesses, in particular, look to gain significantly from the switch to VoIP. VoIP has the ability to handle a large amount of work, and the advanced features that VoIP systems possess provide companies and businesses with the tools that they need in order to enhance collaboration, streamline communication processes, and adapt to the continually evolving needs of the modern workplace. From virtual phone numbers to video conferencing, VoIP is completely revolutionising the way that we all connect and communicate with each other.

Preparing for the Future

As the countdown to the PSTN and ISDN switch-off continues, it’s essential and crucial for individuals and businesses to prepare for the future, starting today. This involves understanding the benefits of SoGEA Broadband and VoIP, making informed decisions about service providers, and ensuring a smooth transition once the switch-off takes place.

While the switch-off may bring about some challenges, the opportunities presented by SoGEA Broadband and VoIP far outweigh them. Embracing these up-to-date and reliable technologies not only future-proofs communication infrastructure but also opens the door to a whole world of possibilities in this current digital age. It’s imperative that users assess their current setup and explore alternative solutions as soon as physically possible.

The PSTN and ISDN switch-off may signify the end of an era, but with SoGEA Broadband and VoIP ready and raring to go, it also marks the beginning of a brand new chapter in the way we communicate.

Get In Touch!

Are you and your business interested in having your IT looked after by a trusted, Sussex, UK-based, leading IT support business and technical support team? Then look no further than Wessex IT.

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Working throughout the South, we provide 24/7 in-house IT support, with everything consolidated and managed under one roof for ease within your business.

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You can even check out what our clients have to say about us and our services here!

Your business deserves a fully managed approach: let us be there every step of the way.

Check out what we can do for you in regard to preparing for The Big 2027 PSTN and ISDN Switch-Off and setting you up for the future here!

Wessex IT can help your business navigate the switch to SoGEA and VoIP services. We can advise, migrate, and support your business during the switch-off, so you can be reassured that your current and future IT systems are in good hands.

If one of your services that we already provide is going to be affected by the switch-off, we will guide you through the change. Things won’t just stop working!

If you’re looking to move or upgrade your current services from other suppliers, we offer a variety of solutions that can replace and often improve your current communications. Our range of broadband products are suitable for all types of organisations.

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